Woo there Everipup, Kitti, Hammi and Biped~
I'm sure woo all will understand the title of this blog by the time it's all done so I'll get started splainin'. See, everi now n' then Mom just takes off and when she comes back there is lots of snoofin' to do. Here are some pics of what she's been up to....
This is Lacey. She was one of the first pups that we snoofed on Mom after she had been away on a weekend day. Usually, she hangs around with us on the weekends but this day she was gone for a few hours and came home smellin' like a Brittney. I heard from my Mal-a-Sis, HollyBolliBananaBoo, that her bipeds and MY Mom had a rendevoux in Adair, IA and shared some time with Lacey. The Woo Crew and I received some good intel provided by my SibeSibs' handsome brothers (Echo's brother, Dante and Kaynh's brother, Koda), that THEIR Mom and MY Mom met in Des Moines with this pretti girl and THEY snoofed Brittney too when their Mom got home....HMMMM!
Then she was gone another day and came home smellin' like a little yellow lab boy. I couldn't find any photographic evidence of this guy. I heard her say that he was like a blur on the end of the leash. All over the place, I guess. She reportedly hung out with him in Des Moines for a bit. Rumor has it she got him a duck toy and he chewed it's yellow foot off before she knew it. She figures someone down the line probably noticed some sort of yellow "deposit" and is still wondering what "that" was. They were spotted walking together at a park and she was giving him treats and water. Pfft....probably one of MY treats that she snuck outta here.
Then there was TODAY. She fussed around with the car and I saw her re-arranging some stuff. I saw a blanket, a bowl and TREATS go in the car. She came out and gave us our Scoobi Snacks and sang MY song to me so I would dance for her and wished us well with her signature "Bye Babies, Have a good day, I love you" and away she went. She was gone ALL DAY LONG and came home smelling like:
AUSSIES!!! These girls are AUSSOME aren't they? What beauties!! That's Daisy on the left with the blue leash and on the right is her bewootiful sis, Lily. Mom called them The Flower Girls. Hey, I just want it to be known right now that I would not have been opposed to Mom hijacking them from their furever home and bringin' them HERE!!!
OK...I hope woo are all ready for a little exercise cuz Mom is totally blogger challenged and took a couple veri good pics BUT can't figure out how to turn them the right way, so warm up those neck muscles and check out these pics....

Aren't they just adorable? This stoopid economi has affected way too many good bipeds and these girls' Mom had to make a veri difficult,but loving decision and found some wonderful people that helped find these girls a new, wonderful home. They started in Lincoln, NE and will end up on 20 acres near Pittsburgh, PA which is furri "khose" to a veri special, brown-eyed, fluffi-tailed girl o' mine. They are spending the night in Indiana tonight and will make their way to their furever home by the end of Sunday. What brave, adventurous girls!!
So woo see....summ times cheatin' IS good. It's been interesting to "meet" these pups via snoof-mail and I can't help but bust with happiness and hope that they have furri long and happi lives ahead of them.
What? What do I do while Mom is off cheatin'? Well....I practice my surgical skills:

work on my SnoNose!!!!
So remember, summ times when your biped comes back home and you know they've been cheatin' on woo, it's not always what you think. Summ times they are doin' somethin' realli special. So, I want to take this opportunity to give a Summi-sized PAWS UP to all of the special bipeds out there who luv us, support us and care fur us whether we are theirs or not.
Remember to keep it furrii....
Your pal,