This is going to be a little bit of sharing about kind of a lot of different stuff. First, I got to go in to the vet on Saturday for a weigh-in. This is me being squirmy on the scale....

and this is a picture of what the scale was "thinking" while I was on it.....

it finally got done "thinking" at, I'm thinking that I'm not too little anymore!
Here is a picture of me waiting for Mom to "help" me in the car. I expect her to do this almost all the time...(except when I was showing off my jumping abilities to my big mal-a-sis HollyBBB).

and here I am enjoying the ride home....

I got to rest when I got home and then the fun began. Out comes the ATV and my XXXL harness and the hook-up lines...Denali and I took a quick practice run for my FIRST TIME and Mom thought I did pretty well. I wanted to go again so they let me go by myself this time...Dad is on the yellow ATV trying to show me where to go....

So this was the fun part of my day. Things were pretty much downhill from here....and so here comes the hard part about sharing stuff....
I have to admit that I have caused some kind of problem for my Mom and Dad...they ran an errand and always like to drive around the field to look for deer when they get back. When they pulled up by our kennel, something happened and I got really upset with Denali or he got mad at me so I thought the way to fix that would be to have a fight. Dad came in and broke it up. Mom took Denali in the house to check him over (he was OK) and now they are both mad at me and worried. Denali can't come in our kennel with me anymore and they are watching me all the time. They are talking about something called a "snip". I don't know what that is but it doesn't sound like a good thing for me! They love me and know that us Mals can have attitudes to match our size so they are just trying to figure out how to teach me about being a good packmate. I hope they can figure it out before they call the "snip" guy. Mom said I was acting like a typical guy on a Saturday night with too much "test-ur-own stuff" out looking for a fight. Guess I didn't really do my part to help her settle down from her day Friday, did I?
So, if any of you have any good suggestions that might help my Mom, please go ahead and post them. Who knows....maybe this "snip" thing is the way to go.