This is the doorway out to our front deck. I claimed it when I was just a little pup as one of my favorite spots. As you can see by the next picture, I've claimed a bit more doorway. This picture is from late February 2007:

For some reason the doorway keeps getting smaller but it is still one of my favorite spots. This last picture is from January 2008.

I'm still trying to figure out a good way to show everyone how big my swappers are but until I do that, I had Mom try to show everyone what she lovingly calls "my big ole malamute head". I thought it was a silly idea but it was the only thing she could find that was about as big as my head.

That's one of Dad's and it's a size 12.
Mom still can't believe that I can do this:

But I CAN!!!
(PeeS: I'm just warming up the floor of the shower for Mom)
I hope this helped all of woo get some idea of how much I have grown and how big I am now.
Until next time, remember....Keep it Furry!