Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Stud Muffin Wednesday

Woo there~

I've been wooing at the assitant again and I think I have managed to get her to cooperate on behalf of all the pups that are helped by Harnessed to Hope. Meeshka, the Siberian Queen of Everithing is putting on a marathon 100 blog posts this week to raise money for Harnessed to Hope so they can continue to rescue and rehome more pups. Please check out her puptastic efforts here:
One of the things that we have been asked to do is to post a special picture. Since, I have been taking SZK's photo taking classes, I was unable to cooperate for the special picture BUT my big siber-bro Denali, here he is:


He's a veri handsome guy and he's doin' his part to help raise as many dollars as pawsible for HTH.

Thanks for helpin' me out with the post, Nali!

Keep it Furri....
(and to donate to Meeshka's 100 post blogathon)
